Blog Archive

Thursday, May 30, 2013

From begining to middle

Well,here we go a building the lay hutch,hen house what have you.Its the place we hope the eggs will be layed.

This is were I began,near the gate(I think now it was a mistake)We will see.
I took scrap wood(pallets,old privacy fenceing,a piece of ply wood,roofing tacks,1/4 x24''x5' and a hand full of 16 penny nails)

 I started with a 2x4 2 ft off the deck,leveled between the post.

I then built a a box frame  and nailed the mesh down and proceed'd to wall the box.

I used old tin roofing to cover the top(score the metel then cut with shears) Pain in the patooty.

So now Ive  got it closed in,Ill work on it more tomorrow.

Now my (Cin's) pics of the day. 

Sheldon keeping the girls in line.

I went to the Feed store and got them a new feeder. The small chick one just didn't allow enough of them to eat at once. This one gives them plenty of room but will leave the old one in there also. I went in nervously, not sure how much it would cost, but it ended up being a bargain at 6.95! I almost bought 2! It is metal and seems fairly sturdy. 

They really are digging the perches. More and more hang out on them.

They hated Pup making all that noise with the saws & such and tried to hide in the corner whenever the saw would start up. I'm pretty sure they think he is crazy or perhaps some giant monster trying to destroy the planet.

That's all for now. Tomorrow is Friday! WOOOHOOOO! 

Thanks Pup for all the work you did on the hen house today and taking time to post pics and walk us through it! I love you!

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