His chicks were a little larger than ours. Maybe a week or two older. He had one beautiful rooster roaming around free and the rest of his flock were in a very nice coop. After looking and talking with him we decided to take the one that was loose and one other one. He pointed out the others we could choose from. I look at them and realize that the ones he was calling Roosters looked just like a few we had at home. Hmmmm do we have more roosters than we realized?? I'm so confused! As far as I can tell there really is no sure fire way to tell unless you are an expert at sexing them....until they start crowing!
The is the other one the man thought was a roo. What do you think? (as it sits in the hen house)
If it lays an egg we might take it back to him. After all we have been through I hate the thought that we took one of his hens.
We took one that he claimed was a rooster and the other big fine one that had been crowing the whole time and definitely had the strut of a young roo. After a small amount of debate on whether to go ahead and throw them in the coop and see what happens or separating them for a while we threw them in and hoped for the best. Keeping a close eye on them for a good while, of course!
Mr Roo took immediate control of the coop. The hens were falling all over themselves to get close to him and flirt their feathery butts off. He crows often and struts his stuff in glorious rooster style. The other "Roo" we brought home they immediately picked on and bossed around. Typical of a bunch of high school girls they picked on the new GIRL. They chased her around and let her know that they were there first.
Gradually the picking on her has slowed down. She will do fine and fit in eventually. They aren't hurting her...just being bitchy/bossy.
That night Roo had all of them tucked into the hen house as he sat guard in front of it.
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