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Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday. ICK.

Mondays are cruel reminders that I'm not a Princess nor am I independently wealthy. DRAT!

Ah well......

I just read up on the time frame of when to expect the chicks to begin laying eggs. How depressing! 24 weeks or later. UGH The suspense is killing me. I have no patience for this sort of thing! I figured it up and ours are approximately 15 - 16 weeks old. *grumble*

Pup, CC & JB went to pick up the other coops we acquired from Hattiesburg. The sellers were awesome and gave us a lot of good advice on chickens plus threw in a lot of extras they no longer needed.

These two are both brooders for chicks but I think we are going to convert at least one to work with our coop we have built.  I think I want to keep one as a brooder because it is set up really nice. There is also a small chicken tractor on the bottom right of this picture. It needs some work but not too much. When done we will have two chicken tractors to use in the garden. I'm really excited about that!

From Wikipedia:

chicken tractor (sometimes called an ark) is a movable chicken coop lacking a floor. Chicken tractors may also house other kinds of poultry. Most chicken tractors are a lightly built A-frame which one person can drag about the yard. It may have wheels on one or both ends to make this easier.

The term chicken tractor comes from the chickens performing many functions normally performed using a modern farm tractor: functions like digging and weeding the soil in preparation for planting trees or crops or fertilizing and weeding to enhance the growth of crops and trees already planted.

I love the idea of the tractors. Buying them new can be pricey so I'm so excited about getting two that need a little work but are definitely do-able! Not all are A-frames though. I've seen some pretty fancy ones people have built.

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