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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Busy Busy Busy

We have been busy since our last post. Pup is building a new chicken coop. The first one has worked fairly well but along the way we have learned some things from our mistakes and basically needed to start over on the coop. So I drew out a plan for one and Pup agreed although I don't think he has even looked at the plans other than when I insisted to prove he was not doing what I wanted LOL

With all the new chicks growing fast we really needed a larger coop for them all. Since they will free range like the older hens we didn't need a "yard" for them, just somewhere to roost at night securely and laying boxes for the eggs.

This is the beginning of it. It is attached to the barn, basically a lean to.

The open space on the floor is covered with small mesh wire so that we can just hose it out and it will drain or we can sweep stuff out through the wire.
