It is the time of year to get chicks and we decided we needed to add to our flock. Yesterday Pup brought home 10 Black Copper Maran chicks. This was the breed he originally wanted to get last year but they are not quite as easy to find. He met someone who raises them and had chicks so we took the plunge eagerly.
Marans lay really dark brown eggs. Almost chocolate colored.
He also brought home 5 Americauna pullets and my good friend Bear sent me a Silkie pullet as a gift. I'm so excited to have a poofy chick!
Gavin helped us get them settled in. The pullets are in one of the raised boxes and the chicks are in our brooder box we used last year.
Originally we were trying to keep the babies in with the pullets but the first night a bad storm came through and the heat lamp went out. We lost one of the babies. So sad but I'm thankful we didn't lose them all!!
This morning Pup moved them into the brooder box we used before and we can keep a closer watch on them until they get bigger.
Pup also ordered 5 more Americauna pullets and 10 Barred Rock pullets which we will get in the next few weeks.
In typical fashion now that we have chicks and more coming one of our Barred Rock hens has decided to go broody and is sitting on about 8 eggs! She refuses to budge and hisses at me every time I even think about taking her eggs. We shall see in about 21 days how it turns out.
Wish us luck!