Blog Archive

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Chicken Box

Slept late this morning for the first time in ages. Woke up to no power. YAY! Not. Ah well it was peaceful and we got back into practice on making coffee on the grill with our handy dandy  little camp percolator. It still makes good coffee and it was nice sitting out on the deck and smelling it brew then sipping it. So hot it could scorch your tongue. AHHHHH. Painfully delicious!

Today's blog is about the chicken box. Pup was looking for a way to transport the hens from the coop to the tractors all at once. In the past we have been each taking 2 or 3 at a time then going back to get more. Pup thought about it for a long time. They no longer all fit in the small pet carrier we brought them home in. 

He found a big plastic bin with an interlocking lid, like the stores use. 

Amazingly enough it is perfect...and maybe even magic of some sort.

He put the first hen in and she laid down instantly. He added another one. She too just laid down too. No try to escape when the lid is opened. No flapping or trying to run around. 

Curiouser and curiouser, as Alice in Wonderland would say.

He managed to get 9 hens in the box! They just lay there. He says it was like stacking wood. LOL They were laying on top of each other and not even a squawk! 

When it was time to take them out they waited patiently as he got them out 2 at a time. None tried to escape. 


Look! One of the girls left us a gift in the tractor! 

Yep, another small pale green egg! 

That makes 4 eggs in as many days! WHOOP WHOOP! We are so darned excited about this! FINALLY it is paying off.

I'm beginning to have nightmares of how many eggs we end up getting when they all start laying! 

I can't wait! *GRIN*

Boudreaux finally got shaved. He needed badly and will be so much cooler gut I think he is completely embarrassed about it and mad at me.

He won't come out from under the bed for better pictures. I grabbed a few here and there.

Lion cuts are so cute! In a few days it will look better and maybe he won't still be mad at me. I'll post more pics then.

Thank you CC! You are awesome!

Pup & JB cooked Red fish Courtbouillon (KooBeYon). 

DELICIOUS! Holy wow it was good! 

Love our family & friends!