Blog Archive

Saturday, August 31, 2013

The last Saturday of August

Today is the last Saturday of August. It doesn't seem like Fall is almost here. It has been a beautiful day. Sunny and no rain! 

After all the waiting we finally got our first egg Thursday evening! I think it is from the hen we got down the road (that the man claimed was a rooster). Roo and the other one were a couple of weeks older than ours. 

It was a little on the small size but was a beautiful pale green. I think soon we can say we are having green eggs & ham for breakfast! 

Today we found 2 more eggs! Same pale green. We are so excited to finally be seeing a payoff on all the hard work that Pup has done! Love you sweetie!

The beautiful bowl was made by my good friend Christian from Ironwood Studios.  

I went out and gave Roo and the girls some treats this evening. Honey Dew melon, grapes, a banana peel & some crushed eggshells. They loved it. Grapes are one of their favorites.

We didn't get them into the tractors today but they will be enjoying them tomorrow & Monday. 

The kittens are growing so fast & are terrorizing everyone and everything. They went out (got thrown out) onto the deck for the first time last Saturday. They explored and had a great time. 

Gru playing in the water.

Minion hiding in the Bougainvillea.

While Cinder keeps watch.

The water obviously is causing trouble! Gru will handle it though.

Gavin had his first football game with the 7th grade. He is the big mean football machine wearing the #67. His team, the Sharks, won the game 12 - 0! Way to go Gav! Love you!

I have had a pinched sciatic nerve for the past 2 or 3 weeks. It has really been hurting and bothering me so I decided to go to the Dr. I was pretty much told that I am old, fat & falling apart.. Thanks Doc! I am having to take more pills than I have ever taken in my life but I am beginning to feel better. Much thanks goes to my bf Bianca for letting me borrow the inversion table. It has helped so much now that I am not terrified of it! 

So sorry for not posting on the blog for a while! Not much had been going on and I just was not feeling up to it. Hopefully that will change and I can get inspired!

Hope everyone has a safe, happy Labor Day! 

If you have not watched (what I consider to be the new National Anthem) yet please take a moment and give it a listen. Thank you Madison Rising!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Rainy Sundays

Today has been a rainy Sunday. 

We woke up with no power thanks to the storm. Luckily Pup had brewed coffee at about 4am with the intent of going fishing but the rain coaxed him to go back to bed. The carafe kept the coffee nice and hot for us when we finally woke up. I sat out on the porch and watched the rain while we waited for the Power to come back on.

The Texas Star Hibiscus decided to burst into bloom on this rainy morning. Normally it has one flower ever few days. Today it has three in the pouring rain. I couldn't resist wandering out to take a picture of it.

Minion decided today would be a perfect day for a long cat nap.

Gru tried his very best to wake him up. Pouncing on him. Biting him. Nothing worked.

The coop was so muddy from all the rain. When it stopped for a while we went out and Pup cleaned it out and added new hay. 

He has named the smallest Barred Rock hen Ninny. She is adventurous but much smaller than the others.

Roo enjoying the new hay.

Pup and I also found some more milk crates at a convenience store to use for laying boxes!

This one was taken a few days ago. I gave them Honey Dew Melon rinds and seeds along with crushed egg shells. They love them both and are very good for them.

They were very happy!

Here is a link to a great article on making sure the girls get enough calcium.

Lauren and I stopped at a garage sale Saturday afternoon. I got this cat toy for 1.00! It was a big hit. 

Gru is obsessed with the red ball on a spring on the top and Topper is checking out the catnip Pup spread on it. He is definitely a catnip junkie!

We also got a bag full of baby clothes for Aubrey. 

I love garage sales!

I have had a pinched sciatic nerve for the past couple of weeks. It has really gotten me down. Sorry I have not been writing more. Many thanks to Pup for putting up with me and helping me stretch out my muscles! Love you!

Pup and Gavin went fishing yesterday. Delicious flounder for dinner. Thanks to both of my fishermen!

My granddaughter Kyndel's birthday is tomorrow. Happy Birthday! Love my beautiful granddaughter! 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Random Thursday thoughts

Tomorrow is Friday! YAY! 

I'm actually taking off work tomorrow to get ready for an important weekend. Family is coming over to spread my late husband's ashes. I'm looking forward to spending time with family and reminiscing about Leo.
Leo's parents, my kids and grandkids. Ashley can't make it, she is working, but she will definitely be missed! Love you Ashley!

All of the grandkids started school this week. Hope y'all have a great year!

Blake's birthday was this week, my youngest grandson. Love you Blake! 

The chickens are doing good. Still a few weeks before any eggs. For some reason they have decided to poop in the hen house rather than out in the coop. Why poop where you sleep? I guess I should refer back to my original list of things I've learned about chicks...they are stupid. It is the only explanation I can come up with.

Enjoying some grapes this afternoon.

It is killing me to not name them all! So far Roo and White Chick are the only ones named since Sheldon and Gladys were killed.  

Flower names like Petunia, Marigold and Zinnia keep popping into my head. Maybe Penny Poppy or Amaryllis.

Old sitcom names would be cool too. Lucy McGillicuddy, Edith Bunker, Ellie May, Aunt Bee, Alice Kramden & Trixie Norton, Lisa Douglas.

Roo keeps them in line and doesn't much care if they have names or not. 

I also am having a strong urge to paint the hen house and coop in bright pastel colors. Soon....very soon.

Each day is a surprise out on the deck and in the yard. The Hibiscus have new blooms almost every day.

The Texas Star Hibiscus doesn't bloom as often or as quickly which makes them a treat. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! 
Wendy: You're conceited.
Not me,
It's just that I am what I am
And I'm me!
When I look at myself
And I see in myself
All the wonderful things that I see
If I'm pleased with myself
I have ev'ry good reason to be.

I've gotta crow!
I'm just the cleverest fellow 
'Twas ever my fortune to know;
I taught a trick to my shadow
To stick to the tip of my toe
I've gotta crow!

I've gotta brag!
I think it's sweet
I have fingers and feet I can wiggle and wag.
I can climb trees and play tag with the breeze 
In the meadows below
I've gotta crow!

If I were a very ordinary
Ev'ry day thing, 
I'd never be heard cock-a-doodling
'Round like a bird!

So Naturally
When I discover the cleverness of a remarkable me,
How can I hide it 
When deep down inside it just tickles me so
That I've gotta let go and crow!

I'm really a rare thing,
Such a fair thing,
I can't keep still!
I'm bursting with pride
And I just couldn't keep it inside
If I tried so...

When I discover the cleverness of a remarkable me,
How can I hide it 
When deep down inside it just tickles me so
That I've gotta let go and crow!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Saturday! YAY!?

Saturday is finally here. I requested no kids for the weekend so it is just Pup and I. I'm thinking sleeping in and being lazy. Gru & Minion (the kittens) had other plans though. They romped and fought and tumbled in their efforts to take over the world. Did I mention it was on our bed, on top of us,  at 6 am?? Not nice Gru & Minion!

I think Gru fell asleep in the middle of grooming his face! It is tough to be a kitty sometimes.

We put the girls (hens) in the tractors first thing this morning. Well after our first cup of coffee anyway. They love it in them. Roo hates it! He doesn't like being in them so he gets left alone in the coop. He hates that too! He crows and bitches about it all day. Perhaps I'll take some melon out for him in a little while.

Why do I have an urge to paint the big coop and the tractors in a bright color? Or several bright colors? 

Two Americaunas in the small tractor.

A few of the Barred Rock girls in the larger tractor. They love to walk on the rails for some reason. 

I found these weird mushrooms in our Hibiscus this morning. By this afternoon it had wilted away. I will assume from the heat. 

 Cinder keeps a watchful eye on everything....or naps. It is hard to tell sometimes!